As ones who have been given the opportunity to reach students and the leaders of this next generation, we see it as our responsibility and calling to train, equip, encourage, and partner with each one that is within our care. We believe God has called each of His followers to be a disciple that makes disciples. This generation of children, teenagers, and college students should be challenged just the same. Through our direct influence to this next generation or by training the ones who are on the front lines doing the same, our desire is to see the next generation become the missionaries to this lost and broken world.
Mission NextGen is committed to developing long term relationships that help bring lasting change. Through one-on-one sessions, small group meetings with other leaders
We will come alongside individual leaders to mentor them to become the best they can be for those in their care.
What does a ministry do when they don’t have a leader in place? For those who may feel limited in these areas, we can help!
In addition to leader support, we also offer the following services.
I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home and gave my heart over to the Lord at an early age. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I truly understood what it meant to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus. The summer after my junior year in high school, I accepted the call to full time ministry and began to pursue becoming a pastor to youth.
2300+ gen-z'ers for
every 1 youth pastor
Use social media at least once per day
communicate mainly
by text message
We'll come to you but if you
need to mail something
3361 Ravenwood Drive
Augusta, GA